As part of the planning stage, we have spoken to as many residents as possible about the Westhumble Community Orchard plans, and are often asked similar questions. So we thought we would try and pop them here with our responses. If you have any more questions or suggestions, please contact us.

  • What about maintenance?
    • We already have residents keen to help us maintain the orchard and meadow areas for planting, pruning and harvesting. The more the merrier, and please contact us if you would like to help us in any way, even if that is helping to make apple juice and cider for sale at the Chapel pop up pub! For the playground we will draw up a rota of local parents who will identify any problems within the playground itself that can be acted upon quickly; nearby Mickleham have operated their much larger playground successfully for many years.
  • What about the playground?
    • We will be screening the playground off with fast growing hedges (as tall as we can afford) so it will not be visible from surrounding houses or from the road. Additionally, the playground will be small (it will only comprise a few pieces of equipment and as such will not be a ‘destination’ playground like those of Mickleham or Dorking. It is intended that the playground is for our younger residents; children, grandchildren, nieces, nephews or those just visiting.
  • What about security?
    • We have discussed this issue with local residents and suggestions have been made regarding installing CCTV on the entrance to the Community Orchard, in addition to possible lighting as a deterrent for any mischievous activity. – if lighting is installed it will be done so following a consultation with neighbouring homes to ensure this in itself is not a disturbance.